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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Commonly Mispronounced Pokemon!

It really bothers me lol. So I shall teach thee. With some phonetic spelling assistance from my Pokemon Essential Handbook!
Deino: DY-noh; not dee-no, not dee-in-o. Not only because the handbook says so, but I realized a while back that it’s German! dEINo, ZWEIlous, hyDREIgon. One, two, three. :) So DY-noh, ZVY-lus, hy-DRY-gon.
Rayquaza: Now I’ve heard this can go two ways, ray-KWAZ-uh or ray-KWAYZ-uh, but the current Handbook has the former.
Regice: REDGE-ice, I hear reg-ee-ice a lot, but there’s only one ‘i’ in there folks!    
Mienfoo: MEEN-FOO as opposed to me-en-foo or my-en-foo.
Mienshao: MEEN-SHOW, not me-en-shau or my-en-shau.
Alomomola: This is just a ridiculous name anyway, but it’s pronounced uh-LOH-muh-MOH-luh. wtf.
Arcanine: Even though it’s basically a dog, it’s ARE-ka-nine instead of are-KAY-nine.
Arceus: Another one I’ve heard can go two ways, but the Handbook says AR-key-us rather than AR-see-us.
Archen: AR-ken, not ARCH-en.
Archeops: AR-kee-ops, not ARCH-ee-ops.
Audino: AW-dih-no, not AW-dee-no.
Bisharp: BIH-sharp, not BY-sharp. Just think of chess - PAWN(iard) and BISHOP.
Chimecho: chime-ECK-ko, instead of chim-EH-cho. Like wind-chime and echo smooshed together.
Croagunk: CROW-gunk, not crow-UH-gunk.
Kyurem: KYOO-rem, not KY-oo-rem.
Lopunny: LAH-puh-nee, not LOW-pun-nee.
Suicune: SWEE-koon, not SOO-eek-yoon.
I think I got all the big ones, but go ahead and throw me an ask if there’s one I missed. :)

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